What Is A Mechanico-Chemical Ablation?
Mechanico-chemical ablation is an alterative method for closing off a vein causing chronic venous reflux, restless leg syndrome, itching and pain. It is performed in a similar manner to RF thermal ablation. A special rotating catheter is advanced into the problem vein. After the catheter is positioned properly in the vein to be treated, a trigger is pulled which causes the catheter to spin, irritating the inner lining of the vein. At the same time a sclerosing solution is injected through the same catheter. The combination of mechanical damage from the catheter and chemical damage to the vein from the sclerotherapy medicine works better than either alone. If you are interested in learning more about Mechanico-Chemical Ablation, or if you wish to schedule a consultation and learn whether you are a candidate for treatment, please call (231) 946-1488 today! Our practice has an office in both Traverse City and Cadillac.
Candidates For Mechanical-Chemical Ablation
This procedure is done using the Clarivein catheter. This thin catheter is inserted into the target vein under ultrasound guidance. The catheter is then attached to a hand piece and the doctor will pull a trigger which caused the catheter to spin at a very high rate. This spinning causes the vein to spasm and also irritates the inner lining of the vein. The doctor then slowly injects a sclerosing solution through the same catheter as it is slowly withdrawn much as a laser is withdrawn in a slow continuous fashion during the treatment. This combination of the spinning action of the catheter and the sclerosing medicine acts to close off the treated vein. The procedure is not painful and patients typically describe feeling a vibrating sensation during the treatment. The treatment typically takes 30 minutes or less. Like with Radio Frequency ablations or EVLT, the patient should wear compression stockings for up to two weeks after the procedure and can resume most normal activities the same day.

Mechanico-Chemical Ablation Benefits
This is a type of non-thermal, non-tumescent vein ablation and is an effective alternative to ablation using heat energy such as in laser or radiofrequency ablation. Mechanico-chemical ablation can be used in patients where a thermal procedure is not feasible due to the vein’s proximity to a nerve. The main advantage of Mechanico-Chemical Ablation is that it negates the need for multiple needle pokes as there is no need for tumescent anesthesia. The only local anesthetic is in one location where the catheter is introduced into the vein. Patients typically just feel a vibrating sensation.
How Mechanico-Chemical Ablation Works
Clarivein or MOCA is a good choice for patients who cannot tolerate needles well, and who don’t have extremely large veins or abundant large branching varicosities coming off of the treated vein. Typically, only one leg is treated at a time as we want to limit how much of the sclerosing medicine is used at a single session
The Mechanico-Chemical Ablation Procedure
This procedure is contraindicated in patients with known allergies to polidocanol or Sodium Tetradecol sclerosants. Like other vein procedures, side effect or complications are rare. Potential complications include DVT, bruising, numbness and tingling. As with RFA and laser, a follow up ultrasound is typically scheduled several days after the procedure to confirm successful treatment and to rule out any potential complications.
Recovery From Mechanico-Chemical Ablation
The recovery from these procedures is the same as with our radiofrequency ablation procedures. Patients need to wear a compression stocking for two weeks after their treatment. Dr. Heeringa will perform a follow-up ultrasound within one week after the procedure to confirm that the treated vein has closed off.
Does Mechanico-Chemical Ablation Hurt?
Our patients find this method of ablation to be more comfortable because it doesn’t rely on heat energy to irritate the vein wall. It doesn’t require anesthesia and patients can return to normal activities immediately.
Is Mechanico-Chemical Ablation Safe?
This method of ablating a malfunctioning vein is very safe because it doesn’t use heat as its method of creating irritation in the vein. This eliminates many potential side effects.
Risks Of Mechanico-Chemical Ablation
Complications are rare but include the possibility of a blood clot, a possible allergic reaction to the sclerosant agent, bleeding, staining, infection, and nonclosure of the targeted vein. All of these risks are low.
Schedule a consultation today!
We proudly serve patients from Traverse City, Cadillac, Manistee, Big Rapids, Houghton Lake, Grayling, Sault Ste. Marie MI and surrounding areas with mechanical chemical ablation treatments. Call today for your consultation at (231) 946-1488 or complete a Contact Form here! You can also find directions to our Traverse City and Cadillac, MI offices by clicking here. We look forward to serving you!
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880 Munson Ave, Suite A, Traverse City, MI 49686
440 Cobb St Cadillac, MI 49601
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